permalink: "#9 (October 6, 2023): Mirrored Moods"
Spent eons in existence, still can't pick the right hat for Friday night.
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9: Mirrored Moods - October 6, 2023 (F)
Panel 1
[Pilcrow is in the guise of a crow in a yellow suit with a red tie. He's staring at his reflection in a mirror.]
Pilcrow: "Asterism, have you ever pondered the mortals' preoccupation with identity? Their constant search for the self in the vastness of existence?"
Panel 2
[The Asterism, a flamingo with three eyes in a gray dress, is in a nearby closet looking at outfits.]
The Asterism: "Indeed, Pilcrow. For creatures of such fleeting moments, their quest for understanding the self seems eternal. As if by knowing oneself, they might transcend their limitations."
Pilcrow: "Their histories, philosophies, arts; all echo this yearning. A mosaic of memories and musings, each a fragment of the grand reflection."
Panel 4
[The Asterism exits the closet wearing four hats: a hunter's hat with flaps, a tophat, a ballcap with a peach made to look like a butt, and a big sun hat. She's also wearing sunglasses.]
The Asterism: "Do you think, in wearing these, I might momentarily mirror their myriad moods?"
Pilcrow: "Ack! I suspect some styles might be more... transcendent... than others."