permalink: "#27 (November 17, 2023): Pizza Ad Aeternum"
If infinity is a pizza, I've finally found something I don't mind getting lost in.
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27: Pizza Ad Aeternum - November 17, 2023 (F)
Panel 1
[Pilcrow manifests as a great eye surrounded by a halo of black feathers with eyes in the void of space.]
Pilcrow: "Asterism, do you not find that within the boundless folds of eternity, we find ourselves perpetually chasing the horizon of comprehension?"
Panel 2
[The Asterism exists as three large eyes floating in a pink cloud in outer space.]
The Asterism: "Ah, such is the nature of infinity. For we exist within an astral array of endlessness, an alliterative abstraction without an altar."
Panel 3
[They have now manifested as bird-headed humanoids, a crow and three-eyed flamingo, in a kitchen in the Black Manor.]
Pilcrow: "Indeed. In the face of such infinite expanse, every attempt to comprehend is but a mere morsel..."
Panel 4
[The view expands, to reveal they are standing by a table loaded with a pizza that appears to be infinite, going beyond the frame in both directions.]
Pilcrow: "...and yet, the pizza we have acquired here boasts of boundlessness."
The Asterism: "A tangible infinity. Shall we endeavor a slice, or does that defy its very existence?"