permalink: "#42 (December 22, 2023): Coffee Script"
They like their coffee like their universe: dark, complex, and full of unknowns.
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42: Coffee Script - December 12, 2023 (F)
Panel 1
[Pilcrow and the Asterism are sitting on a couch in a sitting room of the Black Manor in their bird-headed humanoid forms of a crow and three-eyed flamingo. Pilcrow is wearing a relaxed blue button-up shirt. The Asterism is wearing a stylish white button-up shirt. They are both holding coffee mugs.]
The Asterism: "As we sip our coffee, do we dance as mere dramatis personae in a cosmic chronicle, or are we the sovereign scribes scripting the saga?"
Panel 2
Pilcrow: "You mean, do we truly choose, or are we merely characters in someone else's hands?"
Panel 3
[Extreme close-up of both characters looking "into the screen" intently.]
Panel 4
Pilcrow: "Yet, every choice feels like it's both ours to make and already scripted by the universe."
The Asterism: "Well, 'the universe' better script me a second cup."