permalink: "#90 (April 19, 2024): Doomed to Darkness"
The never-ending cycle of burnt-out bulbs: life’s way of teaching nihilism.
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90: Doomed to Darkness - April 19, 2024 (F)
Panel 1
[The Asterism is in a basement of the Black Manor in her bird-headed humanoid form of a three-eyed flamingo, wearing a button-up white shirt and tan slacks. She has her head and one arm stretched unnaturally long so that she can replace a light bulb in the basement.]
The Asterism: "It’s like this house’s veins pulse with a cursed electricity, each bulb a heartbeat doomed to stop."
Panel 2
[The view shifts to the void of space, with her three eyes floating amongst the darkness.]
The Asterism: "Could it be that each flicker is a whisper from the void, hinting at the eternal darkness that awaits?"
Panel 3
[The scene returns to the basement, where the bulb goes dead with a loud POP!]
The Asterism: "Sigh. Fantastic."
Panel 4
[Pilcrow pokes his head into the room in his bird-headed humanoid form of a crow, wearing a light blue button-up shirt and looking mildly irritated.]
Pilcrow: "We're never going to get them all fixed if we keep pausing to ponder. Try thinking less cosmically and more electrically!"