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Soup. The real cosmic horror.
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13: Taste Test - October 16, 2023 (M)
Panel 1a
[The Asterism is three bright pink stars. Pilcrow manifests as black feathers with eyes in the void of space.]
The Asterism: "Dear Pilcrow, during my ephemeral eavesdropping on Earth, I encountered an enigmatic epistle of edible elegance — a recipe for 'chicken soup."
Panel 1b
Pilcrow: "A culinary endeavor of their corporeal realm! How goes your efforts to create it?"
Panel 2
[They are now their anthropomorphic selves of a flamingo (the Asterism) and crow (Pilcrow) in suits. They are in the Victorian-style kitchen of the Black Manor, where something green is cooking in a stewpot. The Asterism is holding a cookbook.]
The Asterism: "I'm baffled and bewildered. The recipe's description calls for a dash of 'love' and a sprinkle of 'care,' condiments concealed from my comprehension."
Panel 3
Pilcrow: "Curious. Where might one procure these ingredients in measurable quantities?"
Panel 4
Asterism: "I failed to discover them, so I substituted coffee grounds, as their resulting brew gives us purpose to exist in the morning. What do you think?"
Pilcrow (looking ill): "If this is what ‘adding love' tastes like, I believe I shall instead experience a life of solitude."