permalink: "#17 (October 25, 2023): The Peculiar Preoccupation"
The real eldritch knowledge was the cat videos we watched along the way.
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17: The Peculiar Preoccupation - October 25, 2023
Panel 1
[Pilcrow and the Asterism walk along the shoreline of the ocean at night past a lighthouse, in the guise of simple ordinary birds (well, mostly), as a crow and three-eyed flaming, respectively. Pilcrow seems to have found a television on the shoreline that is on and showing something on the screen.]
Pilcrow: "Look at this box I found. Within there is the ever-fluctuating emotional currents of humanity. Such fervent desires, fears, and curiosities they harbor!"
Panel 2
The Asterism: "Such potent patterns... Yet, among these primal passions I perceive a peculiar preoccupation with... furry creatures doing absurd antics?"
Panel 3
[A close-up of the TV shows a cat playing a keyboard.]
Pilcrow: "Ah, yes. 'Cat Memes'. A manifestation of human joy in its simplest, most unadulterated form. This and others of its kind act as momentary reprieves from the chaos of existence."
Panel 4
The Asterism: "For such ephemeral joys to hold profound power... Truly, humanity's complexities are an enigma wrapped in a riddle, nestled in a cat video."
Pilcrow: "I believe mortals call that phenomenon a 'memeducken'."