permalink: "#18 (October 27, 2023): Remedies of Old"
Alright, but how much for the leech facial? Asking for a friend.
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18: Remedies of Old - October 27, 2023 (F)
Panel 1
[An eclipse is going on above the Black manor.]
The Asterism: "My dear Pilcrow, amid this eclipse's enveloping embrace, an illness of immense has infected me."
Panel 2
[Pilcrow in the guise of a crow-headed humanoid stands holding a book. The Asterism as a three-eyed flamingo-headed humanoid lies in it.]
Pilcrow: "Fear not, based upon this tome of the ancients I know exactly what to do!"
Panel 3
[A great cloud of dust is superimposed with the text "Frantic Medical Action!]
Panel 4
[The Asterism is covered in various ridiculous medieval remedies like leeches and obscure herbs.]
The Asterism: "Should this alchemical administration elevate my well-being, or merely mire me in medieval malaise?"
Pilcrow: "Just give it a century or two, and you'll feel fine!"