permalink: "#19 (October 30, 2023): What Could Have Been"
You know, every time I think I've done something profound, it usually boils down to a misplaced vase. Story of my life.
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19: What Could Have Been - October 30, 2023 (M)
Panel 1
[Pilcrow and the Asterism are standing as bird-headed humanoids (a crow and three-eyed flamingo, respectively) in a Victorian living room in the Black Manor. Pilcrow, wearing a mustard-colored suit, is fidgeting with a strange handheld digital device of his own devising. The Asterism, wearing a gray gown, looks on with curiosity.]
The Asterism: "Dearest Pilcrow, what device doth thou dally with so diligently?"
Panel 2
Pilcrow: "Behold! This opens a portal to the vast unknown! Through this passage we can witness alternate realities, where the secrets of the universe are unveiled!"
[He clicks the device. With a "BZZZP!" an orange door-shaped translucent portal opens up.]
Panel 3
Narrator: "Elsewhere?"
[The two are sticking their heads through the portal, which reveals an identical living room, except for the placement of a single vase on the coffee table being different from before.]
The Asterism: "Whence, I wonder, does this whimsical warp whisk us? To what wondrous world within the weave of realities?"
Pilcrow: "It appears to be... the same? Well, I think that vase is in a different spot."
Panel 4
Pilcrow: "It's... umm, a commentary on the subtleties of existence? Nonetheless, it's an alternate reality!"
The Asterism: "And yet we've found wisdom of sorts. After all, I've always wondered if the vase would look better on the right side."