permalink: "#55 (January 24, 2024): Weather or Not"
If your outfit choice depends on a crystal ball, maybe it's time to rethink your wardrobe, not your weather app.
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55: Weather or Not (1-24-2024)
Panel 1
[Pilcrow and the Asterism are in a dark parlor of the Black Manor in their bird-headed humanoid forms of a crow and three-eyed flamingo. He is wearing a lavender suit over a white shirt and she is wearing a gray gown with a pearl necklace. They are at a couch, where the Asterism is staring into a crystal ball.]
The Asterism: "It is time to tap the translucent orb's testament, teasing out tomorrow's weather and what we should wear."
Panel 2
[The Asterism chants, her eyes floating out of her head briefly. The crystal ball begins to swirl and hum.]
Panel 3
Crystal Ball: "True style is the weather of the self, constantly shifting, eternally ephemeral."
Panel 4
Pilcrow: "In other words, dress for the weather you want, not the weather you have? sigh I just wanted to know if my head would get wet."