permalink: "#60 (February 5, 2024): Tome's Gaze"
Ouch. I think I'll just stick to some escapist fiction for now.
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60: Tome's Gaze - February 5, 2024 (M)
Panel 1
[Pilcrow and the Asterism are sitting in armchairs in the library of the Black Manor in their bird-headed humanoid forms of a crow and three-eyed flamingo. Pilcrow is wearing a mustard-colored suit and red tie. The Asterism is wearing a gray gown with pearls. Pilcrow is holding a book and examining it.]
Pilcrow: "Behold! A tome that is claimed to read its reader instead of the other way around. I'm diving in, expecting a deep, introspective journey."
Panel 2
[The book's eyes emerge on the page, examining Pilcrow.]
Book: "Hmm."
Panel 3
[The book starts to speak.]
Book: "You wrestle with cosmic mysteries, but the mystery of cleaning up after yourself remains unsolved."
[Pilcrow looks dismayed.]
Panel 4
The Asterism: "Satisfied by your sojourn into self-discovery?"
Pilcrow: "Ouch. I think I'll just stick to some escapist fiction for now."