permalink: "#59 (February 2, 2024): Self Discovery"
Navigating the multiverse is easy; it's figuring out who you are in it that's the hard part.
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59: Self Discovery - February 2, 2024 (F)
Panel 1a
[Pilcrow and the Asterism are in a room in the Black Manor staring at a mirror as their bird forms of a crow and three-eyed flamingo.]
Pilcrow: "How does one settle on an identity when the universe is your wardrobe?"
Panel 1b
[Pilcrow now exists as a sea of feathers with eyes in a dark forest at night.]
Pilcrow: "Each form offers a unique perspective of the cosmos..."
Panel 2a
[Pilcrow now is a massive sun-like eye in the void of space with black feathers drifting in orbit.]
Pilcrow: "...but which truly represents me?"
Panel 2b
[On a purple-colored and bleak alien world, Pilcrow is in a bird-headed humanoid form of a crow in a light blue button-up shirt and mustard-colored slacks. But he's taller and leaner with a longer neck than normal, shaped like the Asterism would be.]
Pilcrow: "Perhaps I'm overthinking it."
Panel 3a
[In a different, darker forest than before, Pilcrow exists as a sole moon-eye looking down on a sea of gray and red feathers.]
Pilcrow: "Does existing as a sea of feathers in a forest at night make me look introspective? Or fat?"
Panel 3b
[In a vast purple nebula in outer space, Asterism as three floating eyes speaks to Pilcrow, who is now an ophanim-like sphere of black feathers, eyes, and beaks with a couple halos of light.]
The Asterism: "Ah, Pilcrow, finding oneself in the universe's attire is like picking the perfect outfit for an eternity."
Pilcrow: "Sigh."
Panel 4
[We return to the original room in the Black Manor. Pilcrow and the Asterism are in their bird-headed humanoid forms of a crow and three-eyed flamingo now. Pilcrow is wearing a lavender stylish suit over a white shirt. The Asterism is wearing an oversized cream-sweater that hangs off one shoulder and navy leggings.]
Pilcrow: "I'll just stick to my base form."
The Asterism: "You find it flattering?"
Pilcrow: "Nah. Just feeling lazy."