permalink: "#64 (February 14, 2024): Precise Measurements"
Anubis has nothing on the Asterism when it comes to weighing the heart.
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64: Precise Measurements - February 14, 2024 (W)
Panel 1
[Pilcrow pokes his head into an old-fashioned Victorian laboratory in the Black Manor where the Asterism is doing some research. They are in their bird-headed humanoid forms of a crow and three-eyed flamingo. He's wearing a mustard-colored suit and red tie. She is dressed in a lab coat, and standing behind a counter that has a large covered tray on it.]
Pilcrow: "Greetings, Asterism. What are you up to down here?"
The Asterism: "I am attempting to measure the emotional sensation mortals cause love, to determine its hold on their fragile lives."
Panel 2
[The background changes temporarily to swirls of dramatic colors as hearts fill Pilcrow's eyes.]
Pilcrow: "Ah, love. Their most treasured of fleeing sensations. Praised by poets. Debated by philosophers. Sold by harlots. How could one ever measure such a phenomenon?"
Panel 3
[The scenery returns to normal.]
The Asterism: "In ounces. On average it weighs 11.6 ounces, to be precise."
Pilcrow: "Love is measured in ounces? That can't be right."
Panel 4
[The Asterism lifts up the tray lid, revealing a human heart. Pilcrow leans in to closely examine it with surprise.]
The Asterism: "They claim their circulatory organ is where the feeling comes from. So I dug some out and weighed them."
Pilcrow: "Oh."